Utilize the power of community to get great rates for all international money transfers. Whether you are sending money to support your family, paying bills, tuition fees, or financing a project back home, we ensure you get great currency rates by connecting you directly to vetted and trusted community vendors and people like you who offer fair and transparent rates. We make it possible for you to negotiate rates; post an offer and wait to be matched to the best offer in the marketplace, or you can select available offers and send money instantly. Whatever you decide, you are guaranteed great rates and you have 100% control.
Use the chat feature to negotiate and adjust mutually accepted currency rates. Real-time notifications are sent to your device to alert you when a party is interested or has accepted your offer.
FiatMatch never charges you a currency spread. You call the shots on every transaction. Our mandate is to democratize international money transfers and remove intermediaries and cost drivers so that your beneficiaries get the utmost value from the money you send.
All registered members are vetted before being accepted into the community. To ensure the safety of every community member, membership is by invitation only, and you can be assured that each member is known by at least one person in the marketplace. You can choose from several security features embedded into the app, including password encryption, PIN, two-factor authentication, facial biometrics, fraud monitoring, and inactivity timeout. The safety of every community member is our primary concern.
All money transfers are instant or delivered within an hour. Our support team is available 24/7 to respond to your questions and ensure you get the best experience on the app.
Instant airtime top-ups are available in 124 countries and gift cards in 134 countries.
Our website is packed with information to help members of our community succeed. The immigrant library offers tons of resources for international students, foreign-trained professionals, and side-hustle resources for aspiring entrepreneurs. Our recorded podcasts, Instagram live, blogs, and webinars feature helpful information from industry experts.
You can explore our website or follow us on social media to access several useful content.